Engagement Really Matters
For your business – do you have a plan for the different roles that engagement, intent, actions, and interaction play throughout the search process?
one person cannot do it all and delegation is a key. Who has what key competencies and who is best suited for what roles? These are truly important as anyone who has had to deal with crisis management knows; you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Engagement should be a key factor
Engagement is key in query research, SEO tactics, reporting insights, and overall online strategy. The search engines today can be simply explained as a massive “connections engine” that is crawling the web discovering *associations, *affiliations, *citations, *mentions, *links, and other connections that gives topical context, trust, and authority to our brands.
The search engine’s awareness
Google algorithms and bots are amazing and the awareness of these new connections stimulates their desire to engage (crawl), surface (include in index), and rank (display in SERP) brands that display a high level of trust and relevance to search queries. These bots now even have the ability to write their own languages and create!
We can help you process engagement as a common thread through your business growth plan!
Keith Thorn, LLC
On Point Business Solutions – Working Smarter, Not Harder® Apps
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